Lifestyle Tips to Aid Colon Health
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Written by Ginny Rawls


General Lifestyle Tips to Aid Colon Health


  • Slowly increase the intake of high fiber foods particularly from raw fruits & vegetables.

  • Eliminate processed grain products from the diet.  Switch to whole grains and consider sprouted grain, wheat-free and/or gluten-free options.

  • Reduce or eliminate animal products from the diet [these contain no fiber; dairy products also promote mucous secretion, each increases likeliness of constipation.]

  • Drink at least ½ your body weight in ounces in pure water each day. If urine is still dark in color increase this amount further. Caffeine & other substances found in soft drinks, tea, & coffee are dehydrating so these should be avoided. If you choose to drink these add an additional equal amount of pure water for what is consumed.

  • Add WaterMax or fresh lemon juice to water to help mineralize the water [be sure to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth after drinking lemon water].

  • Exercise increases peristalses. Regular exercise can improve eliminations.

  • Take an effective probiotic to encourage a healthy colon environment.

  • Consume freshly extracted vegetable juices and/or Barley Max


Additional specific tips for relieving constipation


  • Eat a couple of apples per day.

  • Drink hot lemon water first thing in the morning and in the evening before bed.

  • Drink a glass of water every ten minutes for half an hour to relieve constipation.

  • Eat prunes and/or figs.

  • Taking a vigorous walk often relieves constipation.

  • Take FiberCleanse or psyllium hulls. If constipation has been a long term problem take a small dose [1/4 or ½ of recommended amount] initially and increase amount slowly. Fiber will help to clean the colon, improving colon health but increasing fiber intake too quickly can slow things down initially to be most effective you must start slowly and build up to recommended dosage.

  • Deep breathing and relaxation techniques can be useful to calm the nervous system. This may help in situation where an overactive nervous system is involved, which can slow digestion and overall bowel function.
  • Using a ‘Chi Machine’ may be beneficial.
  • Balance the pH of the body. Acidosis may be a problem.

  • Consider a colon cleansing regimen [see 7 day cleanse info sheet] or take FiberCleanse for a specified time period.

  • Consider colonic therapy &/or cleansing enemas


What about laxatives?


Because constipation is such a problem in our country there are many laxative products on the market. Laxatives are four basic types of bulking agents, stool softeners, osmotic agents & stimulants. Bulk-forming agents are the only laxatives that are safe for long term use. These increase the bulk & water content of the stools making eliminations easier. The most common bulking agent in supplemental form is psyllium hulls. A healthy food source is ground flax seed which also contains many additional health promoting nutrients. Psyllium hulls or ground flax seed can be taken on a daily basis. All other forms of laxatives [other than bulking agents] should not be taken regularly. Stool softeners inhibit the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins & may cause additional health concerns if taken regularly. Osmotic agents are drugs that can cause dependency [sorbitol, milk of magnesia, citrate of magnesia, & Epsom salts etc.] Stimulants increase peristalsis by irritating the intestinal wall. Long term use can cause the intestinal wall to change color. It is not recommended that these be taken on a daily basis. Cascara sagrada & senna are two natural herbal stimulants that are commonly used for constipation. Although these are more natural than drugs [drugs can also cause additional problems] they should also only be taken occasionally or on a short term basis.


For further information read Colon Health: The Key to a Vibrant Life by Dr. Norman Walker & Prescription for Natural Healing [Constipation; Enemas; Cleansing; Fasting];


Health Care Plan
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Written by Ginny Rawls

The bible tells us that while all things are permissible, all things are not beneficial. As we find what foods are most beneficial for us (which foods best meet the nutritional needs of the body) and focus on those foods in our diet, we will begin to experience better health and find our ideal weight.

Here are a few guidelines that can be used as a foundation for a beneficial “health plan”.

  1. God designed food to feed our physical bodies - just as His word is the spiritual food that feeds us spiritually. Feeding on spiritual “junk food” will produce ill spiritual health. Feeding on physical “junk food” will produce ill physical health and can add excess weight. A junk food can be classified as a substance that is low in beneficial (or nutritional) components and high in non-nourishing or other harmful components. Another way to look at this principle is “we reap what we sow”.
  2. Those foods that were in God's original plan (Gen 1:29) provide the highest amount of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and phytonutrients. Nutritional science today is telling us that if we would eat more fruits and vegetables we would be healthier. Because these were the primary foods in God's original diet plan, this does not surprise me. Hunger is a sign that the body needs nutrition. Fighting consistent hunger or uncontrollable food cravings can be a sign that we are not providing the body with the nutrition that it needs. When we eat a diet rich in these optimal, whole foods (and concentrated sources of nutrition like juicing and Barley Max) this constant hunger is replaced with a feeling of satisfaction.
Exercise & Fresh Air
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Written by Ginny Rawls

96 % of the body's nutritional need is for Oxygen (O2).

We can go for as long as 40 days without food, 4 days without water, but we can't last 4 minutes without oxygen (if we do there is significant brain damage)!

Additional facts about Oxygen:

  1. The quality of air we breath impacts the quality and length of the life we live
  2. Increase the supply of oxygen to the brain and mental abilities will increase and the brain will become more alert!
  3. Increase the supply of oxygen to the body's cells and the body becomes full of energy and life.
  4. An increase in the supply of oxygen to the body's cells helps us mentally and emotionally, and we become happy and optimistic.
  5. Increase the supply of oxygen to the body's cells and sickness cannot find a foothold! Sickness and disease cannot survive in an aerobic (oxygenated) atmosphere.

Exercise increases the amount of oxygen our body cells receive. It also causes a flushing of the veins and arteries. As the arteries and veins become clearer, more oxygen is able to cross through to the blood from the lungs and thus on to the cells throughout the body. When the cells receive this increase in oxygen, they become energized and start vigorously cleaning house, rebuilding and rejuvenating the cells. An increase in exercise is necessary to carry off the debris and toxic wastes for removal from the body.

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