The issue of achieving better health starts first with prayer, asking God to lead and guide us into all truths. Then relying on Him to...
- Give us the wisdom to know what changes need to be made in our life concerning our health
- Give us the knowledge on how to make those changes
- Give us the desire to make those changes and
- Give us the ability to make those changes. These things, as it is in other areas of our life, are not accomplished in our own strength or wisdom but in His. (Phil 4:13)
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Abundant Living Health Ministries Mission Statement
- To glorify & lift up the name of Jesus Christ in all that we do.
- To teach and encourage people to take an active role in attaining better health for themselves and their families.
- To be a resource center offering education and tools that enhance a healthy lifestyle.
- We believe in God's Supernatural healing power.
- We also believe that God designed our physical bodies to be well and not sick, and that our physical bodies have a God given ability to cleanse, heal, and rebuild. This is the natural response that comes when we support the systems of the body through eating nutrient rich foods, drinking plenty of fresh clean water, breathing fresh clean oxygen rich air, getting adequate sunshine, exercise and rest, as well as removing the stresses of life by giving God His rightful place in our lives by turning ALL issues in our lives over to Him.