
Disclaimer & Legalities Statement
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Our mission is NOT to address disease, but rather to address health. We are not medical doctors, nutritionists or dietitians, therefore we are not qualified nor do we engage in the diagnosis of disease or the "prescribing" of any health program as a cure or treatment for disease.

We do however believe, as stated above, that when you fulfill the physical God given needs and requirements of the body, it has the God given ability to rebuild and heal.

It is not the role of this ministry to accept the responsibility for the health of others. It is the role of this ministry to TEACH and ENCOURAGE others to take responsibility for their own health by...

  1. seeking the Lord's guidance,
  2. educating yourself as much as possible and
  3. consulting with a health care professional that is knowledgeable in the importance of nutrition, when you determine that it is necessary.


All information included within the documents found on this web page or from any other resources provided by Abundant Living Health Ministries, Inc., Zoe Health Corp, Abundant Living Lifestyle Center & Health Foods, Jim or Ginny Rawls, or anyone representing these entities, is intended to be used for educational purposes only. The educational material provided is not used to diagnose or prescribe as treatment for any disease condition. It is not used to dispense medical advice in any form and it is not recommend that you use this information in place of obtaining adequate medical advice when you determine that to be necessary. This educational material should not to be considered a complete resource, but should be used as a springboard to encourage further personal study. In using the provided educational materials we ask that you accept responsibility for educating yourself on health issues that concern you as well as for the changes you make in your own life based on that educational process. Achieving better health begins first with accepting personal responsibility, followed with prayer, education and action based on that educational process. If you choose to use any of the information that is shared by the above-mentioned entities, you are prescribing for yourself, which is your constitutional right, but in doing so you accept the responsibility for your actions. The author & the above mentioned entities accept no responsibility.

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