Going to the next level in 2012 . . .

Posted by: ginny

Tagged in: Raw Foods , Health , Fasting , Detox

Just wanted to take a minute to remind you of some important resources that can help your "health journey" move to another level in 2012.  I don't usually send info out on Sunday but two of these options start tomorrow, so if you are interested you will want to sign up today. If you are looking for improved health, increased energy, weight loss or just an overall sense of well-being, consider checking out these educational opportunities.

Abundant Living is having a two day 'Cleansing & Detox Retreat' this coming Friday and Saturday - January 6 & 7.  for more information check out  our events calendar at www.abundantlivinghealth.com/events  My 'Fasting, Cleansing & Detox' Email Newsletter Series is starting tomorrow January 2, so sign up today.  Subscribe from our web site at www.abundantlivinghealth.com/newsletters  
You will need to check the box labeled “Fasting, Cleansing & Detox” on the subscribe tab at the right side of the page, and include your name and email address. 

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine's 21 Day Vegan Kickstart is also starting tomorrow. You can sign up at www.21daykickstart.org

Hallelujah Acres has several wonderful educational opportunties that you can sign up for at any time, that offers a wealth of information.  Check out http://www.juiceupyourlife.com/  and http://www.hacres.com/contact/signup/health-matters for more information.

Wishing for you a 2012 that is love-filled, joy-filled, and health-filled!
