Overcoming Candida
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Written by Ginny Rawls

The following information is to be used for educational purposes only. Nothing included within this document is intended to be used to diagnose or prescribe as treatment for any disease condition. It is not used to dispense medical advice in any form and it is not recommend that you use this information in place of obtaining adequate medical advice when you determine that to be necessary. It is important that you use this and any other resources necessary, to educate yourself about this and other health issues., in order to determine what steps you should take to build and maintain proper health. This document should not to be considered a complete resource on this topic, but should be used as a springboard to encourage further personal study. Achieving better health begins first with accepting personal responsibility, followed with prayer, education and action based on that educational process. If you choose to use any of the information that is shared within this document, you are prescribing for yourself, which is your constitutional right, but in doing so you accept the responsibility for your actions. The author accepts no responsibility.

More people today are dealing with the symptoms associated with Candida Albicans also known as Candida Yeast Overgrowth, than ever before. In my opinion this problem can be an early forerunner to additional health challenges down the road if it is not dealt with properly. It should be recognized as a sign, indicating that something is not functioning properly within the body.

Candida Albicans is a yeast. Yeasts are a group of single celled plants or fungi. Fungi are simple nongreen plants. They lack chlorophyll, which is the green coloring matter that higher plants use to make their food. Because they do not produce chlorophyll they must get their food from an outside source. Fungus derives its food from dead plants or the break down of dead & dying material. Yeast is unable to flourish in healthy tissues, made up of oxygen rich, nutrient rich, strong & heatlhy cells. Healthy cells do not supply a good food source for this microbe. Simply put, candida yeast overgrowth is overcome by building a healthy environment within the body that does not support or “feed” the negative microbe. Although this is not a quick fix, in my opinion it is the only one that will produce long term results. Let’s take a closer look at some factors involved with this health challenge.

The Standard American Diet (SAD) encourages the growth of negative microbes throughout the body and discourages the growth of the friendly, beneficial microbes. The beneficial bacteria perform many different functions in the body including the production of B vitamins. These “friendly” guys also function within our digestive and immune systems. Without adequate amounts of these good guys fighting and working for us, our bodies are unable to operate properly. The SAD(iet) also does not nutritionally support the immune system. In fact, the diet that most Americans eat actually works against (or suppresses) the immune system that would keep us well if we would give it the proper tools (through diet and lifestyle habits). When our immune system is functioning properly, it will not allow these negative microbes to flourish.

Additionally, many of the drugs that are commonly used today not only suppress the immune system, they also suppress the growth of the beneficial bacteria. As the beneficial bacteria count drops the balance of candida yeast and other negative microbes begin to grow and go unchecked. Once this imbalance occurs, it can be quite a challenge to reverse the numbers and get them back into proper balance. Drugs & other toxic substances often find there way into our body in ways that we may be unaware of. It has been said that over half of the antibiotics that are produced in America are fed to animals. As we eat these animal products we also take in the drugs that they have been fed and these drugs then have an affect us, suppressing our immune systems and killing bacteria throughout our bodies.

We can also be affected by the chlorine that is in our water supply. This substance is used to kill off bacteria and microbes. When we take showers & baths or swim in chlorinated water, our bodies absorb significant amounts of water. Whether we drink chemically treated water or it absorbs through our skin, the chlorine can cause added stress to the liver & immune system as well as cause a reduction in bacteria within our body. Chronic physical or emotional stress can also suppress the immune system, affecting our health in such a way that it can certainly be a factor in allowing a problem like candida to be created or made worse.

So what are the symptoms of Candida yeast overgrowth? It is not uncommon for the symptoms to vary greatly in people dealing with this health challenge. Once candida becomes systemic, it can flow through the blood stream and “attack” different areas of the body. The symptoms that a person may experience often depend on the area(s) that are involved in an individual situation. Usually, this has to do with two factors 1) the degree of severity 2) the inherent weakness(es) of the individual. A list of possible symptoms that can be involved in this disorder could include: fatigue or lethargy, feeling of being “drained”, depression, poor memory, feeling “spacy”, difficulty in making decisions, numbness, burning, tingling, or itching, headaches, muscle aches, muscle weakness or paralysis, pain and/or swelling in joints, abdominal pain, constipation and/or diarrhea, bloating, belching or intestinal gas, esophageal reflux, troublesome vaginal burning, itching or discharge, prostatitis, impotence, loss of sexual desire or feeling, endometriosis or infertility, cramps and/or other menstrual irregularities, premenstrual tension, attacks of anxiety or crying, cold hands or feet and/or chilliness, shaking or irritable when hungry, drowsiness, irritability or jitteriness, inability to concentrate, frequent mood swings, insomnia, dizziness/loss of balance, pressure above ear, feeling of head swelling, tendency to bruise easily, chronic rashes or itching, numbness, tingling, indigestion or heartburn, food sensitivity or intolerance, mucus in stools, rectal itching, dry mouth or throat, rash or blisters in mouth, bad breath, foot, hair or body odor not relieved by washing, nasal congestion or post nasal drip, nasal itching, sore throat, laryngitis, loss of voice, cough or recurrent bronchitis, pain or tightness in chest, wheezing or shortness of breath, urinary frequency or urgency, burning on urination, spots in front of eyes or erratic vision, burning or tearing of eyes, recurrent infections or fluid in ears, ear pain or itching, mitral valve prolapse and chemical sensitivities.

Because the symptoms associated with this health challenge are so varied it can be hard to get a diagnosis. A person that is dealing with yeast overgrowth could have a few of these symptoms or many of them. Although there are some patterns with this disease condition, each case is often unique. For example, some women dealing with this have vaginal yeast infections and some do not Some cases of candida overgrowth are mild while others are more severe. Men often feel that it is not possible for them to experience this problem but in fact they can. It is not uncommon for someone dealing with this problem to begin to feel that they are having mental/emotional problems because no one can seem to tell them what is wrong.

What can be done about this problem? Most practitioners that treat Candidiasis, use a high protein, low carbohydrate diet in their treatment. While this approach does seem to help the symptoms of Candida initially, it is my opinion that this method does not address the root cause of the problem, and in fact, it adds fuel to this condition making it even harder to overcome long term. I have spoken with many people that have used this approach for addressing candida. In every case although they felt better initially, they have continued to deal with this problem and have not overcome it.

If the high protein approach seems to help with symptoms initially, why does it not solve the problem long term? There are several reasons for this. As was mentioned earlier, animal products today are filled with hormones and antibiotics. When we ingest them, the drugs that they have been given go into our systems and cause us problems. All drugs suppress the immune system AND are liver toxic. Drugs and other toxic residue from the environment concentrate in the flesh and fat of the animal, possibly making these toxins even more harmful. Also, because animal & concentrated proteins are extremely hard to process in the body, eating them creates added stress for the liver & other digestive organs. In fact when liver function becomes low enough, the body is impaired in its ability to break these proteins down completely which adds more problems for the immune, digestive & the elimination systems of the body. Animal products also leave an acid ashe in the body. Acids are a bi-product of eating cooked meats. Because the cells in our body were designed to function in a slightly alkaline state, creating an acid environment in the body will also add to the long term problem of candida. In fact, though not commonly discussed, it is my opinion that the pH balance of the body is one of the key factors to reversing this problem. It is said that when the cells of our body are at the proper pH (slightly alkaline) disease cannot exist.

If the high protein treatment for candida perpetuates the problem, why does it seem to help initially? It is commonly known that sugar feeds yeast. Reducing the food source of this microorganism will help with limiting its numbers. However, “starving” the yeast only provides a temporary solution. The medical mindset usually looks at the germ or the invader as the ultimate problem. Therefore we focus on killing off the organism and believe that doing so will bring about good health. However, if the environment within the body is not corrected, the problem will return. It is this internal environment that allows the microbe to survive and thrive. You can spray for mosquitoes around a stagnant cesspool, or for flies around a trash barrel but they will return if the environment is not cleaned up. Likewise, negative microbes inside the physical body can only survive under certain conditions. For long term success we must change our focus to that of creating a healthy environment within the body. This will produce lasting changes that will take away the nice cozy home that has kept the yeast flourishing. Without the means that are needed for survival, these little unwanted guests will have to look for shelter elsewhere. Ultimately, changing the environment within the body is the only natural means for reversing any disease condition.

Another reason that a high protein diet can make us feel better short term is because the acids created from processing these meats act to stimulate our glandular system. When our system is stimulated we feel better because of the hormones and chemical substances that are created within the body during this process. This stimulation is a means for creating “false energy” which actually draws off of our energy reserves. It is like making a withdrawal without making a deposit. The person dealing with candida is often low in energy reserves making him or her feel tired much of the time. When we “kick” the system (by using stimulants) we force it to squeeze out some of the remaining, limited stored energy and this makes us feel better for a little while. However, because low energy levels usually indicates that our “energy bank account” is at a reduced level, as we continue to force withdrawals from this account without making high quality deposits, we can find ourselves heading towards bankruptcy (feeling worse and worse).

What about taking medications for killing off yeast? I have talked with a number of people that have taken various medications for candida. While these seem to help short term, the problem always seems to return. Killing off the yeast will not help if you do not address changing the environment that allowed the organism to become out of balance in the first place. I am personally also concerned about the mutation that seems to take place when using medications to reduce infections. When we take a medication to kill off a specific organism, many of them are destroyed but the strongest of them bury themselves deep into the tissue as a means of survival. The symptoms cease because the numbers are decreased and those that remain are “in hiding”. The organisms that survive will eventually begin to multiply. Because the strongest survived, when they multiply a new stronger strain has been produced. With time the problem usually surfaces again and due to this mutation process it can now be much harder to deal with. The fact that these medications are likely to add to liver congestion is another concern that should be considered.

So, if this common approach doesn’t deal with the root cause of the problem, what will? In my opinion there are several fronts that must be addressed when working to overcome this.

  1. Building the immune system
  2. Getting the elimination channels of the body working properly. This is important for removal of toxicity within the body
  3. Getting the environment in the body & the cells of the body in the proper balance - oxygen levels, pH levels, nutritional levels etc..
  4. Reintroducing friendly bacteria while maintaining an environment where they can flourish & grow.

How can this be accomplished? It is my opinion that getting on a nutrient rich diet, lowering stress levels, and getting proper exercise & rest are some of the first steps to overcoming candida yeast overgrowth. The Hallelujah Diet, which consists of lots of raw fruits and vegetables along with fresh vegetable juices & Barley Green is the best immune building diet that I know of. This dietary approach was a foundational key to my overcoming the severe candida problem that I had dealt with for many years. When using this approach, some people with this problem may have to reduce or remove fruits for a period of time. Although this may be true in some cases, Dr. Joel Robbins says that people with candida can often eat fruit. You can determine whether your system can tolerate fruits by eliminating them from the diet for 2 - 3 weeks and then adding them back to the diet slowly, one type of fruit at a time. If any symptoms occur after eating a specific food it would be wise to discontinue eating it for a while. Symptoms could include digestive upsets such as indigestion, gas or bloating as well as feeling fatigued after the meal. Another means of determining how well a food is tolerated is to take your pulse every 15- 20 minutes for the first hour after eating a specific food If your pulse raises or lowers more than 10 beats a minute during that time, that would be an indication that the food is not being processed well and may be causing some stress to the system. This “self test” method works best after a fasting phase (a short term fast from an evening meal to a lunchtime meal the next day can be used) and used when only “testing” one food eaten at a time. If you have eaten several items it will be hard to distinguish which food(s) (or combination of foods) may be causing a reaction or a problem. People dealing with candida often have sluggish digestion and harder to digest foods may not be tolerated early on. It is not uncommon to experience multiple food allergies, grains being one of the most common allergens. Food allergies are simply a sign of digestive problems. Through the cleansing and rebuilding process, these problems can usually be reversed.

Many people become concerned about eating foods high in “sugar” such as fruits. However, it is not the presence of glucose (sugar) in the system that seems to create the problem. The adverse affects are created when a higher than normal blood sugar count or blood sugar spike occurs. Because our body’s fuel source is glucose, we always have a steady amount of it in our blood stream. Even if our system does not have access to foods that are easy to convert (carbohydrates), the body will turn fats or proteins into glucose for use as fuel in the body. This is a survival mechanism. Although the body will do this in a crisis, because it is a very inefficient process, it does so at a great cost (nutritionally). It is somewhat like taking out a extremely high interest loan at the bank. This is another reason that a high protein, low carbohydrate diet can be a concern for long term health.

Because the body has to have glucose available to run properly and will keep a certain amount in blood stream at all times, it doesn’t make sense for us to focus on removing foods from our diet that will convert to glucose. Instead it would be wiser to aim toward removing the foods that cause the blood sugar to spike higher than “normal”. Processed or fragmented foods are most likely to cause this type of a response in the body. Eliminating these from the diet is vital to recovering from this ailment. It is also of interest to note that cooked carbohydrates have been shown to cause much higher raise in glucose levels during processing than do raw foods that are high in natural sugars (such as fruits). The main reason for this is that cooked foods no longer contain the enzymes needed for digesting it. As the body becomes more depleted in enzymes, it will begin having a harder time processing foods that no longer have the enzymes intact. When this is the case the body will often struggle with imbalances as it attempts to do the best it can to digest the fragmented (enzyme depleted) food.

Not only do raw foods contain the enzymes needed for digestion, they also contain the nutrition needed to build the immune system. When food is cooked the enzymes and much of the nutritional value is destroyed or altered. Cooked foods are not cleansing or building. When trying to promote good health, it is important to do all you can to cleanse & rebuild the body systems.

Another key tool to use in building the immune system is to drink freshly extracted vegetable juices. The juicing process removes the fiber from the nutrients so that a larger amount of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, phyto-nutrients, enzymes , amino acids, ect.) can be taken into the body without stressing out the digestive system. The juices are taken into the body in a form that can be utilized almost immediately. It is said that approximately 90% of the nutrients from freshly extracted juice reaches cell level where the building process starts. Some people that have dealt with candida have indicated that they initially have a reaction to drinking carrot juice. In many cases these people have not completely eliminated processed foods from their diets.

If you are interested in incorporating freshly extracted vegetable juices into your diet (which will greatly help in overcoming immune deficient problems and will expedite the cleansing-healing-rebuilding process) and yet have experienced a reaction, take a look at the other foods that you are ingesting. Because yeast overgrowth commonly causes a sugar craving, many people have a hard time completely eliminating sugary treats and other processed foods from the diet. Even processed “health foods” and health food treats can cause problems, especially for someone dealing with major disease challenges, digesting problems and/or candida yeast overgrowth. Also, as was mentioned earlier, it is important to watch the intake of cooked carbohydrates as well.

I began drinking 6 to 8 (8oz) glasses of carrot juice a day during a time when I was still dealing with candida and I never had a reaction to the juice. I also was eating one complete fruit meal a day. By that time though, I had virtually eliminated all processed foods from my diet. If you have eliminated all processed foods from the diet and you have limited the number of cooked carbohydrate foods that you are eating and you still have a reaction to drinking carrot juice then you could try juicing other vegetables until you are able to tolerate the carrot juice. It is important to stay away from fruit juices until you are certain that you have overcome this health challenge.

Cleaning your fruits & vegetables can also be important when you are suffering from this disorder. Cleaning your produce with something that can kill fungus and negative microbes can lesson your chances of having a reaction to these foods. Planet Solutions, food grade hydrogen peroxide, or ozonation are the best options available for dealing with this problem.

Making lifestyle changes generally requires having a changed mindset. Because this type of approach is radically different from the Standard American Diet, some view it, initially as an impossible task. It really just requires a relearning phase. Once you learn how to prepare foods properly, you will find that your taste buds will begin to be just as thrilled over the new cuisine as it was with your previous dietary choices. Attending our monthly educational health classes can help you in this process as can reading, listening to or watching, pertinent educational books, audio and video tapes.

The Steps I used in overcoming Candida albicans...

  1. Eliminated all animal products (except small amounts of organic butter eaten occasionally)
  2. Eliminated processed foods (including “health food” products). This included eliminating vinegar from the diet. Vinegar is a fermented product that can “feed” a yeast problem.
  3. Diet of 70%-80% or more raw fruits, vegetables, with limited amounts of raw, soaked or sprouted nuts, seeds & grains
  4. Limited the number of cooked carbohydrates
  5. I began Drinking 6 to 8 (8oz) glasses of freshly extracted vegetable juices.
  6. I began Drinking 3 or more quarts of purified (distilled or R.O.) water per day
  7. Supplements taken consisted of * vegetarian food enzyme supplement *Probiotic (friendly bacteria) supplement (Flora Food) *Barley Green.

Reducing stress and getting adequate exercise, sunshine and rest are also very important to recovery from this or any other health challenge. Cleansing the colon with a product like Herbal Fiberblend should be considered. It is important to create a healthy environment within the colon that will support the beneficial bacteria. Because colon problems are often a part of the challenge that faces candida sufferers, colon cleansing can usually help in the process of getting well.

There are several natural “yeast killing” products that may be considered as a means to reduce the numbers of unfriendly bacteria. Keep in mind that these will not offer a long term solution. If you do not work towards building the immune system and creating a healthy environment in the body, the problem will not be overcome long term, simply by using a product to kill of the yeast. Additional supplements to consider for short term use are Caprylic Acid Combination, Pau D’arco or Taheebo Tea, Colloidal Silver, Olive Leaf extract or garlic.

Recommended reading...

Recipes For Life . . .From Gods Garden By Rhonda Malkmus

Health Through Nutrition By Dr. Joel Robbins

Candida (audio tape) By Dr. Joel Robbins

Drugs Never Cure Disease by Dr. Lorraine Day.

For more information about this topic or the resources or supplements mentioned call us at 205-669-5483, fax at 205-670-0702 or e-mail us at info@abundantlivinghealth.com.

Ask about our Personal Lifestyle Consultation. This process is geared toward education and is a tool that can be used in setting your own lifestyle goals. An extensive lifestyle questionnaire is included.