Potato Wedges
Thursday, 11 February 2010
- 6 Large baking potatoes
- 2 tsp. coconut oil
- Herbamare or Celtic Sea Salt to taste (optional)
Cut potatoes into thin slices or wedges. Line cookie sheet or glass baking pan with unrefined coconut oil. Bake in a pre-heated 350 degree oven for approx. 45 minutes. Stir occasionally. For easier cleanup when using a cookie sheet, use unbleached natural parchment paper.
Additional Tips
White potatoes have a high glycemic index rating, which simply means that, in general, they cause a higher blood sugar swing in the body (which increases insulin production). You can minimize the impact on blood sugar levels by leaving the skin on (best when done only with organic potatoes). Because of their high glycemic rating, ideally white potatoes should only be consumed occasionally.