Fasting, Cleansing & Detox Newsletter #4 - Why Fast?

Posted by: ginny

Tagged in: Raw Foods , Health , Fasting , Detox

Today I sent out newsletter #4 on the Fasting, Cleansing & Detox list.  So far we have talked about cleansing diets (or modified fasting), juice fasting & water fasting.  Today we answered the question - Why fast?  Tomorrow we will discuss symptoms and the healing process . . . and after that will look at the elimination channels and how to support them during a cleanse.   Would you like to join in?   If so, simply look on the top menu bar on our web site (above),  click on "buzz" and then "newsletters" . . . sign up for any one of our three newsletters . . . be sure to sign up for the Fasting, Cleansing & Detox Newsletter . . . if you have problems signing up online, send me an email to